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Figure 3 | Veterinary Research

Figure 3

From: Molecular basis for the different PCV2 susceptibility of T-lymphoblasts in Landrace and Piétrain pigs

Figure 3

Expression of HS, CS and decorin (linked with DS chains) on PK-15 cells and T-lymphoblasts from Landrace and Piétrain pigs. All data were obtained from three different wells for PK-15 cells, and three pigs of each breed for T-lymphoblasts. Within each replicate, the mean was calculated based on ten randomly selected fields. A Representative confocal images showing PK-15 cells and T-lymphoblasts stained with specific antibodies against HS, CS and decorin. B Quantitation of the percentage of PK-15 cells and T-lymphoblasts expressing HS, CS and decorin (a), and the mean fluorescing area (pixels) of GAG per GAG+ cell (b). Data represent the means ± SD of three replicates. Differences between T-lymphoblasts from the two breeds were revealed by the Student’s t-test. *P < 0.05.

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