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Figure 10 | Veterinary Research

Figure 10

From: Molecular basis for the different PCV2 susceptibility of T-lymphoblasts in Landrace and Piétrain pigs

Figure 10

Organelle size analysis during PCV2 intracellular trafficking. Early endosomes (EEs), late endosomes (LEs) and lysosomes were immunostained with specific antibodies and followed by size measurement with confocal microscopy. A Representative confocal images displaying the expression of Rab5, Rab7 and LAMP1 indicating EEs, LEs, and lysosomes, respectively. The size of these organelles was analyzed using Leica Application Suite X software and labelled in yellow. B Quantification of the size, including the diameter (a–c) and the pixels (d–f) of Rab5 (5 min), Rab7 (10 min) and LAMP1 (120 min) at specific time points. The number of counted organelles is more than 100. The pixel size of the fluorescence images corresponds to 24.3 nm. Data are represented as means ± SD from three replicates (three pigs from each breed). Statistical differences were determined by the Student’s t-test post-Welch’s correction. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, **** P < 0.0001.

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