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Table 4 Experiment 1 CONTACT

From: Transmission of infectious laryngotracheitis virus vaccine and field strains: the role of degree of contact and transmission by whole blood, plasma and poultry dust

ILTV strains

Clinical sign

Proportion of chickens (%) showing ILT clinical signs by mode of exposure

Eye drop (%)

In- contact (%)

Shared airspace (%)

All modes of exposure



0/7 (0.00)

2/7 (28.6)

0/15 (0.00)

2/29 (7)

Respiratory signs

0/7 (0.00)

0/7 (0.00)

0/15 (0.00)

0/29 (0.00)


0/7 (0.00)

0/7 (0.00)

0/15 (0.00)

0/29 (0.00)

Any clinical signs

0/7 (0.00)

2/7 (29)

0/15 (0.00)

2/29 (7)



6/8 (75)abA

7/8 (87.5)a

5/16 (31.3)b

18/32 (56)A

Respiratory signs

0/8 (0.00)B

0/8 (0.00)

0/16 (0.00)

0/32 (0.00)B


0/8 (0.00)aB

1/8 (12.5)

0/16 (0.00)

1/32 (3)B

Any clinical signs

6/8 (75)ab

7/8 (88)a

5/16 (31)b

18/32 (56)

Class 9


8/8 (100)aA

8/8 (100)aA

7/15 (46.7)bA

23/31 (74)A

Respiratory signs

0/8 (0.00)B

2/8 (25)B

2/15 (13.3)B

4/31 (13)B


0/8 (0.00)B

1/8 (12.5)B

0/15 (0.00)B

1/31 (3)B

Any clinical signs

8/8 (100)

8/8 (100)

9/15 (60)

25/31 (81)

  1. Type and frequency of clinical signs observed over the full period of 21 dpe showing interaction between the effects of ILTV strain and mode of exposure.
  2. abDifferent lowercase superscripts indicate significant differences within rows.
  3. ABUppercase superscripts indicate a significant differences within columns for each ILTV strain.