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Table 1 Bacterial strains and plasmids used in this study.

From: Identification of ireA, 0007, 0008, and 2235 as TonB-dependent receptors in the avian pathogenic Escherichia coli strain DE205B

Strain or plasmid





O2:K1, NalR



ireA Deletion mutant strain



ireA Complemented strain



0007 Deletion mutant strain

This study


0007 Complemented strain

This study


0008 Deletion mutant strain

This study


0008 Complemented strain

This study


2235 Deletion mutant strain

This study


2235 Complemented strain

This study


tonB deletion mutant strain

This study


tonB Complemented strain

This study


Competent invitrogen cells



Competent invitrogen cells




Amp, expresses λ red recombinase



Kan, template plasmid



Cm, expression using lac promotor



Cm, Amp, yeast Flp recombinase gene, FLp



Amp, expresses a fusion fragment of the His tag

This study


Amp, expresses a fusion fragment of the GST tag

This study