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Table 5 Studies assessing the impact of the presence of pleurisy on average daily gain (ADG) in pigs.

From: Review on the methodology to assess respiratory tract lesions in pigs and their production impact


Study population

Impact on ADG



9592 pigs from 78 farms; examined in 4 slaughterhouses


Fattening period + 8 days


4 studies


Feed conversion ratio + 26%


4800 pigs, selected on specific days in one slaughterhouse

Lower carcass weight

Effect was shown in multivariable logistic model with carcass weight being negatively associated with pleurisy lesions


2 farms (578 pigs)

Farm A: no effect

Farm B: -28 g /−42 g

Effects in farm B were depending on localization of pleurisy: dorsocaudal pleurisy: no effect; parietal pleurisy: −28 g; antero-ventral pleurisy: −42 g


14 farms (6997 pigs)

−39 g (−5.2%)

Large differences between farms (range: -19.9% to +4.6%)

Severity of pleurisy: score 1: −54 g; score 2: −37 g

Fattening duration +6 days

Pleurisy and CVPC: ADG −15% (synergistic effect)


39 farms (one batch per farm)

No effect

No effect on feed conversion ratio

Performance data were analysed at farm level; lung lesions were assessed on one subgroup (35 pigs) at slaughter


1 farm (108 pigs)
