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Table 3 Detection of E. coli with immunohistochemistry in the caecum of turkeys

From: Typhlitis induced by Histomonas meleagridis affects relative but not the absolute Escherichia coli counts and invasion in the gut in turkeys

Sample type

Caecal lumen (content)

Caecal wall

Infected with monoxenic H. meleagridis (actual trial)a

 Negative control (n = 9)



 No lesion (n = 11)



 Mild lesion (n = 6)



 Severe lesion (n = 6)



Infected with monoxenic H. meleagridis [29]

 Negative control (n = 2)



 LS 2 (n = 1)



 LS 3 (n = 3)



 LS 4 (n = 4)



Infected with xenic H. meleagridis [33]

 Negative control (n = 2)



 LS 3 (n = 1)



 LS 4 (n = 5)

3 (caecal content and/or necrotic mucosal epithelium)


Field cases with histomonosis

 n = 2

2 (caecal content and necrotic mucosal epithelium)


  1. aFor group allocation, refer to Table2.
  2. bNegative.
  3. cNumber of positive samples.