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Table 1 Definition and value of parameters used for within-herd BVDV transmission model

From: Estimation of the within-herd transmission rates of bovine viral diarrhoea virus in extensively grazed beef cattle herds

Parameter definitions



Oestrus cycle (day)

U(18, 24)


Probability of conception



Natural abortion rate

0.0001 per day

[34, 35]

Natural calf mortality rate until weaning

0.0009 per day


\(\beta_{P}\): Within-herd BVDV transmission rate (per PI animal per day)

To be estimated


\(\beta_{T}\): Within-herd BVDV transmission rate (per TI animal per day)

\(\beta_{P} \times 0.05\)

[10, 27]

Infectious period of TI animals (day)

U(10, 20)


Period of maternal BVDV antibody protection (day)

N(155, 312)

[37, 38]

Mortality rate of PI animals

0.0019 per day

[6, 9]

Probability of abortion if infected during early pregnancy (day 0–41)


[52, 53]

Probability of abortion if infected during mid-pregnancy (day 42–150)


[52, 53]

Probability of calving PI animal if infected during mid-pregnancy


[2, 52]

Probability of calving an immuned calf if infected during mid-pregnancy


[2, 52]

  1. Key: N(·,·), normal distribution(mean, variance); U(·,·), uniform distribution(lower limit, upper limit).