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FigureĀ 1 | Veterinary Research

FigureĀ 1

From: Characterization of the non-glandular gastric region microbiota in Helicobacter suis-infected versus non-infected pigs identifies a potential role for Fusobacterium gastrosuis in gastric ulceration

FigureĀ 1

Average bacterial community compositions in the Pars oesophagea of H. suis-positive and -negative pigs. The cumulated histograms show the relative abundance of the identified taxa at phylum (A), family (B) and genus (C) level in the Pars oesophagea of H. suis-positive (nā€‰=ā€‰10) and -negative (nā€‰=ā€‰10) pigs. At family and genus level, taxa with a relative abundance <ā€‰1% are merged in the category ā€œothersā€. The unclassified populations correspond to defined groups of the genus level for which a taxonomical classification assignation to the genus could not be attributed. These populations are therefore labelled with the first defined superior hierarchical taxonomic level followed by ā€œ_unclassifiedā€ to prevent confusion.

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