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Table 2 Details of lambing and attack rates in progeny.

From: Dynamics of the natural transmission of bovine spongiform encephalopathy within an intensively managed sheep flock

Genotype and breed

BSE +ve sheep that lambed

BSE +ve dams with +ve offspring (A)

Attack rates in offspring

Born to (A)

Total born

ARQ Suffolk

12/23 (52.2%)

5/12 (41.7%)

5/7 (71.4%)

5/18 (27.8%)

ARQ Romneya

33/54 (61.1%)

6/33 (18.2%)

7/8 (87.5%)

7/43 (16.3%)

VRQ Cheviot

4/6 (33%)

2/4 (50.0%)

2/7 (28.6%)

2/17 (11.8%)

AHQ Cheviot

1/28 (3.6%)

0/1 (0.0%)


0/1 (0%)


50/111 (45.0%)

13/50 (26.0%)

14/22 (63.6%)

14/79 (17.7%)

  1. aIncludes the 47 sheep developing BSE after oral infection and the seven BSE-infected F1, one of which had a negative descendant (Figure 1). Only 50 BSE infected sheep had progeny that stayed in the flock for sufficient time; the other 61 were either males, died to BSE before lambing, or lambed sheep that died at too young an age to be considered (see text). Of the 50 ewes that lambed only 13 (A) had progeny of which some sheep (14/22) went on to develop BSE; the remaining 37 ewes did not produce any positive offspring amongst 57 sheep born to them