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Figure 2 | Veterinary Research

Figure 2

From: Genetic subgroup of small ruminant lentiviruses that infects sheep homozygous for TMEM154 frameshift deletion mutation A4Δ53

Figure 2

Bootstrapped Neighbor-Joining tree of SRLV partial gag sequences. The tree was produced from the same alignment used to produce the network in Figure 1. Like Figure 1, capital letters and numbers following the country of origin represent genotypes and subtypes, respectively. Outer taxonomic numbers represent GenBank accession numbers. Black dots represent bootstrap values greater than 80%. The single asterisk represents the one sequence that originated from an ewe of the North Dakota State University flock that did not cluster within USA subgroup 4. The double asterisk represents one sequence that clusters with subgroup 4 sequences but is not supported within the clade with a bootstrap equal to or greater than 80%. USA subgroups 1 and 2 both contain recombinant sequences that impact bootstrap support [13]. The tree is drawn as a circular cladogram and does not have a scale bar.

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