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Figure 2 | Veterinary Research

Figure 2

From: Comparison of innate immune agonists for induction of tracheal antimicrobial peptide gene expression in tracheal epithelial cells of cattle

Figure 2

Expression of Toll-like receptor (TLR) in tracheal epithelial cells, tracheal mucosa, and lung. Basal expression of mRNA expression for TLRs 1–10 was evaluated in cultured bovine tracheal epithelial cells, tracheal mucosal tissue, lung tissue, and positive control tissue (pooled mesenteric lymph node and ileum). Lanes 1–10: Samples of extracted RNA were reverse transcribed then amplified by PCR using specific primers, and the product was examined on an agarose gel. The gel lanes match the corresponding TLR (eg. the lane labelled 1 is TLR1), and the data shown from 1 calf are representative of the 3 calves examined. L: DNA molecular size standards: 400, 300, 200 and 100 bp.

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