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Figure 2 | Veterinary Research

Figure 2

From: Staphylococcus aureus from 152 cases of bovine, ovine and caprine mastitis investigated by Multiple-locus variable number of tandem repeat analysis (MLVA)

Figure 2

Dendrogram deduced from the clustering of the 152 S. aureus mastitis-associated strains using MLVA16 Orsay . The colour code reflects MLVA clusters when using the 45% cut off. ID: strain identification. spa: spa type. MT: MLVA types. MetR: methicillin-resistance. MRSA: methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. MSSA: methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus. C-R: Country-Region. F: France, A: Aveyron, Co: Corse, PA: Pyrénées-Atlantiques, AHP: Alpes de Haute-Provence, V: Vienne, CR: Charentes-Maritimes, DS: Deux-Sèvres, IL: Indre-et-Loire, M: Manche, C: Calvados, Ma: Mayenne. B: Brazil, RGS: Rio Grande do Sul. G: Germany, Mu: Mutzenich, Lichtenfels: L, Waldeck: W, Marksuhl: Mark. Reinhardshagen: R, Haag: H, Neustadt: N, Langen: La, Sulza: S, Burstadt: B. Bad Soden-Salmunster: BS, Silberfeld: Sb, Lehrte: Le, Babenhausen: Ba, Huttenberg: H, Wiesenthal: Wi, Raesfeld: Ra, Eurasburg: E, Meinhard: Me, Pfronten: P, Kirchhain: K, Wunstorf: Wu, Ehrenberg: EH, Willingen: Wi, Bodelwitz: Bo, Ebersberg: Eb, Hademar: Ha, Schlitz: Sc, Hofbieber: Ho, Ringgau: Ri, Satteldorf: Sa, Baden-Wurttenberg: BW, Bunde: Bu, Osterberg: O, Farven: F, Melle: Me, Bayern: Ba, Petershagen: PH, Westerstede: We, Lorup: Lo.

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