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Figure 4 | Veterinary Research

Figure 4

From: Marek’s disease in chickens: a review with focus on immunology

Figure 4

Model for horizontal and vertical transmission of MDV between avian species. MDV serotypes can infect several different avian species globally. It has been confirmed that MDV cannot be transmitted horizontally from layer hens to eggs but day old chicks become infected in broiler production housing systems from shedders. Several avian species have been grouped based on literature: Free ranging and farm animals and Migratory birds. Chicken red mites have also been identified as carriers of avian pathogens. Free ranging and farm animals consist of turkeys, common pheasant, common grey partridge and European quail. Migratory birds that have been confirmed positive are ducks and white footed geese. Although these birds become infected and are carriers, what has not been identified is their role in viral virulence factors as well as ability to infect broiler production system. Furthermore, the presence of chicken red mites has yet to be confirmed in broiler production system which could contribute to viral persistence.

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