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Figure 5 | Veterinary Research

Figure 5

From: High-dimensional analysis reveals an immune atlas and novel neutrophil clusters in the lungs of model animals with Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae-induced pneumonia

Figure 5

Identification of APC-like PMNs in the lungs of mice and piglets after APP infection. A Frequencies of MHC-II+ PMNs in the murine lung post APP infection. B, C Biaxial plots (B) from one representative experiment and bar charts (C) show the percentage of CD14+MHC-II+CD86+ or CD14+MHC-II+CD86+ cells within Ly-6G+ PMNs and the frequencies of APP+ cells within their parent cells. N = 5 samples in three independent experiments. Error bars indicate the mean ± SD. D Bar plots show the frequencies of SLA-DQB1+ and SLA-DQB1− PMNs in the piglet lung after APP infection. E Violin plots show the RNA expression (log-normalized) of indicted genes by SLA-DQB1+ and SLA-DQB1− PMNs in the piglet lung after APP infection. F GO and KEGG analyses show the main functions and signalling pathways enriched in the differentially expressed genes between SLA-DQB1+ PMNs and SLA-DQB1− PMNs.

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